JUMP TOXbim Flex Identity API 2.0MeMy accountgetMy regionsgetMy regionsgetTenantsList itemsgetCreate tenantpostShow tenantgetUpdate tenantpatchDelete tenantdeleteList subscriptionsgetPatch SubscriptionpatchAccess demogetGet demo tenantgetLookup tenantgetCheck identifiergetMembersList membersgetCreate MemberpostShow membergetUpdate MemberpatchRevoke memberdeleteUsersList UsersgetCreate UserpostUpdate UserputShow UsergetLookup usergetInvitationsList invitationsgetCreate invitationpostShow invitationgetUpdate invitationpatchDespatch invitationpostRevoke invitationpostRegistrationAccept invitationpostGets an invitation but only if it is acceptable by the current user. This is mainly to be used by other APIs to check if the invitation can be propagated into their access controll levels.getClientApplicationsList itemsgetShow client applicationgetList endpointsgetCreate endpointpostMastersList itemsgetGet Masters by masterIdgetPost AddMasterAdministratorpostDelete RemoveMasterAdministratordeletePaymentWebhookPost webhookpostSubscriptionsGet SubscriptionsgetPost SubscriptionspostGet Subscriptions by subscriptionIdgetPatch SubscriptionspatchDelete SubscriptionsdeletePortalPost portalpostPaymentPost checkoutpostGet plan by tenantIdgetAuthenticationGet tokenpostXBIM Flex API v2AssetsReturns the EntitySet AssetsgetPost a new entity to EntitySet AssetspostReturns the entity with the key from AssetsgetArchive an Asset and and models for future deletiondeleteEdit an existing assetpatchcreate new role for the given AssetpostGets the list of users with access to this item and their permissionsgetGets the effective permissions for this current usergetGets the roles for the given AssetgetAssigns a user to the given role on the assetpostRevokes a user from the given role on the assetpostModelsReturns the EntitySet ModelsgetCreates a new Model for the given AssetpostReturns the entity with the key from ModelsgetArchive a model for future deletiondeleteEdit an existing modelpatchMove a model to another asset in this tenantpostAssigns a user to the given role on the modelpostGenerates a model mappings between two distinct modelspostGets the list of users with access to this model and their permissionsgetGets the effective permissions for the current usergetRequeues a model for processing and importpostGets the roles for the given ModelgetRevokes a user from the given role on the modelpostSupercede an existing model with a new versionpostModelFilesDownloads the model as originally uploadedgetA one-stop service for Uploading an IFC model file, creating an asset and Model as required, and initiating processingpostContactsReturns the EntitySet ContactsgetPost a new entity to EntitySet ContactspostGet Contacts single entity by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidgetPatch Contacts by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidpatchAdds a new document to an entitypostGet Contacts as of by date and tenantidgetGets the Properties available on this ModelgetSitesReturns the EntitySet SitesgetPost a new entity to EntitySet SitespostGet Sites single entity by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidgetPatch Sites by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidpatchAdds a new document to an entitypostGet Sites as of by date and tenantidgetGets the Properties available on this ModelgetFacilitiesReturns the EntitySet FacilitiesgetPost a new entity to EntitySet FacilitiespostGet Facilities single entity by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidgetPatch Facilities by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidpatchAdds a new document to an entitypostGet Facilities as of by date and tenantidgetGets the Properties available on this ModelgetLevelsReturns the EntitySet LevelsgetPost a new entity to EntitySet LevelspostGets the Floorplan for this levelgetGet Levels single entity by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidgetPatch Levels by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidpatchAdds a new document to an entitypostGet Levels as of by date and tenantidgetGets the Properties available on this ModelgetSpacesReturns the EntitySet SpacesgetAdds a new Space to a modelpostGets the Floorplan for this spacegetEdit an existing spacepatchGet Spaces single entity by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidgetGets the set of Components which are placed within the Geometry footprint of this SpacegetAdds a new document to an entitypostGet Spaces as of by date and tenantidgetGets the Properties available on this ModelgetZonesReturns the EntitySet ZonesgetPost a new entity to EntitySet ZonespostGet Zones single entity by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidgetPatch Zones by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidpatchAdds a new document to an entitypostGet Zones as of by date and tenantidgetGets the Properties available on this ModelgetComponentTypesReturns the EntitySet ComponentTypesgetPost a new entity to EntitySet ComponentTypespostGet ComponentTypes single entity by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidgetPatch ComponentTypes by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidpatchAdds a new document to an entitypostGet ComponentTypes as of by date and tenantidgetGets the Properties available on this ModelgetComponentsReturns the EntitySet ComponentsgetAdds a new Component to a modelpostEdit an existing componentpatchGet Components single entity by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidgetGets the Spaces this Component is placed in, based on Footprint datagetAdds a new document to an entitypostGet Components as of by date and tenantidgetGets the Properties available on this ModelgetSystemsReturns the EntitySet SystemsgetPost a new entity to EntitySet SystemspostGet Systems single entity by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidgetPatch Systems by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidpatchAdds a new document to an entitypostGet Systems as of by date and tenantidgetGets the Properties available on this ModelgetAssembliesReturns the EntitySet AssembliesgetPost a new entity to EntitySet AssembliespostGet Assemblies single entity by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidgetPatch Assemblies by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidpatchAdds a new document to an entitypostGet Assemblies as of by date and tenantidgetGets the Properties available on this ModelgetSparesReturns the EntitySet SparesgetPost a new entity to EntitySet SparespostGet Spares single entity by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidgetPatch Spares by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidpatchAdds a new document to an entitypostGet Spares as of by date and tenantidgetGets the Properties available on this ModelgetResourcesReturns the EntitySet ResourcesgetPost a new entity to EntitySet ResourcespostGet Resources single entity by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidgetPatch Resources by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidpatchAdds a new document to an entitypostGet Resources as of by date and tenantidgetGets the Properties available on this ModelgetJobsReturns the EntitySet JobsgetPost a new entity to EntitySet JobspostGet Jobs single entity by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidgetPatch Jobs by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidpatchAdds a new document to an entitypostGet Jobs as of by date and tenantidgetGets the Properties available on this ModelgetIssuesReturns the EntitySet IssuesgetPost a new entity to EntitySet IssuespostGet Issues single entity by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidgetPatch Issues by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidpatchAdds a new document to an entitypostGet Issues as of by date and tenantidgetGets the Properties available on this ModelgetDocumentsReturns the EntitySet DocumentsgetPost a new entity to EntitySet DocumentspostGet Documents single entity by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidgetPatch Documents by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidpatchAdds a new document to an entitypostGet Documents as of by date and tenantidgetGets the Properties available on this ModelgetDocumentFilesDownloads binary file related to asset and modelgetUploads a document file related to a specific modelpostEntitiesReturns the EntitySet EntitiesgetPost a new entity to EntitySet EntitiespostProvides the xbim flex identities for a set of provided IfcGuidspostGet Entities single entity by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidgetPatch Entities by assetmodelid, entityid and tenantidpatchAdds a new document to an entitypostGet Entities as of by date and tenantidgetQuery a set of Entities at a point in timegetGets the Properties available on this ModelgetApplicationsReturns the entity with the key from ApplicationsgetReturns the EntitySet ApplicationsgetAttributesReturns the EntitySet AttributesgetCreates a new AttributeDefinition for a modelpostOperation to interrogate a single attribute definitiongetUpdate an AttributeDefinition for a modelpatchChange the underlying data type for the attribute, migrating any existing data where possiblepostGets a sample of the attribute values for the definitiongetImports attribute values from the source model filepostGets the unimported attribute values for an entity from the source modelgetGets the unimported attribute values for an entity from the source modelgetAttributeValuesReturns the EntitySet AttributeValuesgetSchedulesReturns the EntitySet SchedulesgetGet Schedules schedule by assetmodelid, schedulename and tenantidgetGet Schedules schedule rows by assetmodelid, schedulename and tenantidgetPost Schedules import schedule by modelid, schedule and tenantidpostWexbimGets the pre-generated complete wexbim geometry stream for a modelgetGets the pre-generated components wexbim geometry stream for a modelgetGets a dynamically generated geometry stream for a modelgetGets the pre-generated building envelope wexbim geometry stream for a modelgetGets the building envelope geometry cut plane. This can be used to cap the holes after clipping.getGets the a cutplane across the envelope for up to 6 cut planes.getGets the pre-generated Site wexbim geometry stream for a modelgetGets the pre-generated spatial wexbim geometry stream for a modelgetGets the pre-generated doors/windows wexbim geometry stream for a modelgetFloorplansGet Floor planpostGet Room planpostThumbnailsGet Thumbnails asset thumbnailgetPost Thumbnails asset thumbnailpostModelMappingReturns the EntitySet ModelMappinggetGet a single Mapping by its keygetGet the set of Candidate Matches belonging to a MapgetGet the set of Found Entities belonging to a MapgetGet the set of Lost Entities belonging to a MapgetGet the set of Mapped Entities belonging to a MapgetStatsLists the plan allowances and current consumpttion for a tenant's appgetDiagnosticsReturns the EntitySet DiagnosticsgetLogsImports a batch of logs to the central logging servicepostAdminLists the Database schema updates already installedgetFlushes the Flex cachespostReturns a flag indicating if the database schema requires an upgradegetLists the Database schema updates requiredgetUpdates the Database schemas to the latest versionpostInvitationUpdates the users permissions after an invite has been acceptedputFlex Comms API 2.0ContactsGet ContactsgetGet Contacts searchgetConversationsGet ConversationsgetPost Conversations conversationpostGet Conversations publicgetGet Conversations publicgetAggregates conversation data efficiently for reporting purposesgetGet Conversations by idgetDelete Conversations conversationdeletePatch Conversations conversationpatchImports a BCF File's Topics and Markup as one or more Flex conversationspostImports a BCF File's Topics and Markup as a single Flex conversationpostImports a BCF File as a single Flex conversation with one message containing all the contentpostGet Conversations demo conversationgetGet Conversations clone conversationgetGet Conversations send clone conversationgetDelete Conversations participantdeletePatch Conversations participantpatchGet Conversations participiantsgetPut Conversations participantsputPost Conversations participantpostGet Conversations messagesgetPost Conversations messagepostGet Conversations message by idgetDelete Conversations messagedeletePatch Conversations messagepatchPost Conversations send messagepostPut Conversations set message stateputGet Conversations filegetDelete Conversations filedeleteGet Conversations filesgetPost Conversations filepostPut Conversations message partputPost Conversations swap message partspostPost Conversations mode message partpostDelete Conversations message partdeletePost Conversations insert message partpostFilesGets a File Blob from a MessagegetSnapshotsGets a File Blob from a MessagegetValidationResultsGets a the validation results in a conversation by its file IdgetXbim Flex WorkflowsArtifactsGet Artifacts listgetGet Artifacts download artifactgetCleanPastInstancesPost CleanPastInstancespostFlowTemplatesGet FlowTemplates listgetPost FlowTemplates create flow templatepostGet FlowTemplates flow templategetDelete FlowTemplates flow templatedeletePost FlowTemplates edit flow templatepostPost FlowTemplates add flow template dependencypostDelete FlowTemplates remove flow template dependencydeletePut FlowTemplates upload flow template resourcesputGet FlowTemplates list flow template resourcesgetDelete FlowTemplates flow template resourcesdeletePut FlowTemplates upload flow template thumbnailputGet FlowTemplates flow template thumbnailgetDelete FlowTemplates flow template thumbnaildeleteGet FlowTemplates flow template resourcegetDelete FlowTemplates flow template resourcedeletePost FlowTemplates create workflow from templatepostHealthGet Health statusgetInstancesGet Instances instancegetGet Instances listgetGet Instances list pipelinegetPost Instances rerun pipeline instancepostGet Instances instance result actionsgetDelete Instances instance filesdeletePatch Instances cancel instancepatchGet Instances instance step loggetOperationsPost Operations get allowedpostPipelinesGet Pipelines list pipeline templatesgetPost Pipelines create pipeline templatepostGet Pipelines pipeline templategetDelete Pipelines pipeline templatedeletePost Pipelines clone workflowpostPost Pipelines edit workflowpostPut Pipelines upload pipeline template filesputGet Pipelines list pipeline template filesgetGet Pipelines pipeline template filegetDelete Pipelines template pipeline filedeleteGet Pipelines list tenant pipeline templatesgetResourcesGet Resources list instancegetGet Resources download instance resourcegetServiceConnectionsPost ServiceConnections create service connectionpostGet ServiceConnectionsgetGet ServiceConnections service connection by idgetGet ServiceConnections service connection by namegetDelete ServiceConnections service connectiondeletePost ServiceConnections edit service connectionpostStatsGet Stats instances pass rategetGet Stats instances failuresgetGet Stats executions per daygetGet Stats executions per monthgetGet Stats total executionsgetGet Stats workflows countgetTriggersPost Triggers create staging instancepostPut Triggers upload to staging instanceputPut Triggers execute staging instanceputPut Triggers file drop triggerputPut Triggers aimtriggerputPut Triggers link drop triggerputPost Triggers create drop triggerpostPost Triggers create aimtriggerpostGet Triggers pipeline triggergetGet Triggers list pipelinegetDelete Triggers pipeline triggerdeleteValidationResultsGet ValidationResults listgetGet ValidationResultsgetGet ValidationResults validation resultgetXbim Flex IoTMappingEntitiesrs Retrieve all mapping entities for the specified tenant and asset. (Auth policies: IotRead)getAdds a new sensor entity for the specified tenant and asset. (Auth policies: IotWrite)postRetrieve a sensor entity by ID for the specified tenant and asset. (Auth policies: IotRead)getDeletes a sensor entity by ID for the specified tenant and asset. (Auth policies: IotWrite)deletePresentationsRetrieve all presentations for a specific tenant and asset. (Auth policies: IotRead)getCreate a new presentation. (Auth policies: IotWrite)postRetrieve a specific presentation by ID. (Auth policies: IotRead)getUpdate a presentation. (Auth policies: IotWrite)patchDelete a presentation by its ID. (Auth policies: IotWrite)deleteRemapping(Auth policies: Admin)putSensorsRetrieve all sensors for the specified asset. (Auth policies: IotRead)getRetrieve a specific sensor by its ID. (Auth policies: IotRead)getPowered by Delete FlowTemplates flow templatedelete https://apis.xbim-dev.net/{region}/wf/2.0/api/flow-templates/{flowTemplateId}Summary:Return Type: boolean